Global Presence

Global Presence

At MIPL, we ensure our products reach as many people as possible. Today, we are catering to 50+ countries and growing our partnership and synergies around the world. We understand the importance of maintaining global perspectives in a shrinking world. Our presence across various geographies of the world enables us to help global communities to see and experience this world.

Mission 2023

We are on a mission to transform the way the ophthalmologists, researchers, students and entire ophthalmic community deals with the challenges faced by them through our reliable and innovative products. The world is beautiful and every human being deserves a chance to see and experience it. We are committed to doing our part by producing the best quality products and this is our way of contributing and giving back to society. As a mission 2023, we are committed to provide our products in 23 new countries. If you are a distributor or ophthalmologist we would love to explore the opportunity to work together.